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I am a Deputy Head Teacher who has been teaching for 13 years. My passion is English, Art and leading assemblies. I also lead a lot of CPD in school and thoroughly enjoy it.




I am a Deputy Head Teacher who has been teaching for 13 years. My passion is English, Art and leading assemblies. I also lead a lot of CPD in school and thoroughly enjoy it.
The importance of Outdoor learning: Staff Training

The importance of Outdoor learning: Staff Training

I created this presentation for a staff training session on the importance of taking learning outdoors. It contains information on the impact, benefits and tips on how to begin as well as links for good quality websites to find resources and ideas. I have also included some lovely quotes to inspire and some facts based on real surveys and research. This is also editable so you could add to it to tailor it to your own needs.
Mental Health: Never Giving up: The story of Rowan Atkinson

Mental Health: Never Giving up: The story of Rowan Atkinson

This inspirational assembly contains information about Rowan Atkinson’s life, including his successes and failures. It focusses on the fact that he struggled with his stutter and rejections in earlier life and goes on to explain how successful he is now and what we can learn from this I have also included a page that includes cool facts about the well loved actor and a song link to play at the beginning and end of the session if you wish. The song’s theme is linked to never giving up. If you like this assembly, please see my shop page for more aseemblies on mental health and well being.
Mental Health Awareness: 5 steps to well being: ACTIVE

Mental Health Awareness: 5 steps to well being: ACTIVE

I made this presentation for an assembly linked with the 5 steps to well being and focusses on being active and how it can help our mental health. This presentation contains information about the importance of staying / being active for our well being as well as ideas on how to achieve this. I have included a little challenge for the pupils in there as well as a song link for the beginning and end of the session that relates to the theme of being active. There is also a discussion point on how the pupils are active in their day to day life. I have also included links from the BBC TEACH well being page that you could use or share for further reference. This was created for an assembly but it could be used for class use in a PSHE session.
Mental health Awareness: 5 steps to well being: CONNECT

Mental health Awareness: 5 steps to well being: CONNECT

This is a Presentation I created for a well being assembly when being observed and it got excellent feedback. It focuses on one of the 5 steps to well being: CONNECTION. It includes information about the importance of connecting with others, ideas on how to develop meaningful relationships and explains that it is not always that easy for some and what we can do about it. The presentation also contains links to videos from BBC TEACH that focus on the benefits of connection. I have also included a song link to play at the beginning and end of the session that relates to the topic of connection. This could be used for a whole school assembly or a PSHE session in class.
Staff Training Powerpoints

Staff Training Powerpoints

4 Resources
This bundle contains 4 Powepoints for leading staff training on various topics. It contains: Child Protection training Guided reading and vocab training The importance of questions training Working walls training All have been made and used by myself to lead different INSET and staff training events.
Under the sea themed classroom display

Under the sea themed classroom display

2 Resources
This bundle contains classroom display resources, all linked to an under the sea theme, such as tables names, tray labels, box labels, titles etc. It also contains a reading incentives display pack, again, linked to under the sea. Resources included are book marks, class reading lists, bar graphs to monitor home reading, Reading incentives display title and more.
Reading Incentives Display

Reading Incentives Display

I have created this to tie in with my ‘Under the sea’ book corner display. It contains resources to help encourage children to read at home. Used in previous years and really does work to inspire children to read more regularly at home. It also contains resources to create a small display, explaining the reading incentives within class. This pack consists of: Poster explaining why reading is important Editable posters explaining the class incentives to read Reading Incentives Title for the display Under the sea themed bookmarks to collect the stickers on Class Reads Border to write the number of reads so far Bar Graph Template to show progress each week ( we have a weekly readers monitor who enjoys completing the bar graph and adding the numbers so it shouldn’t take too much time etc. Editable Daily Readers list for your class Ideas and ways to use these resources
Mental Health Awareness: Well Being Assemblies

Mental Health Awareness: Well Being Assemblies

2 Resources
This bundle contains 2 assemblies that I have used to promote well being. One is about Independence and never giving up, using a beautiful animation about a sandpiper and the other assembly is about positivity, using bananas! I have included teaching notes for each slide, to aid discussion and ideas for questioning etc. For each assembly I have included links to songs that can be used at the beginning and end of each assembly, linked to each theme. For each song I have included interesting information and facts about the song and artist.
Coronation Assembly Pack

Coronation Assembly Pack

3 Resources
This pack conatains 3 Assebmbly Presentations. One about our new king, his role and interesting facts about him as a person. One about the Coroantion, the history behing it and what happened at the weekend. Once about the Coronation cake, the history behind it and an idea to lead a cake competition if you so wish. All contain music to lead in and out of assembly to which link in with the theme of each assembly.
Well being assembly: Positivity

Well being assembly: Positivity

I am a Deputy Head Teacher and have been leading assemblies for 13 years. I use music, animations and discussions in my assemblies to enhance engagement. In each assembly, we have a different song playing for the children to walk in the hall to. The song at the beginning is always based on the theme of the asssembly. I give facts about the song and artist too, which provides links to our music curriculum. The song for this assembly is ‘The banana boat song’ by Harry Belafonte and the presentation includes facts about his life, which relates to well being and everyone having the right to dream. This assembly is all about bananas and the reasons to why they are such a positive fruit. I have included notes for every slide for discussion points and I have included an optional slide about how to turn this assembly into a whole school display. I have used this as an observed assembly, but it can be easily adapted for class use too
Well Being Assembly: Independence and never giving up

Well Being Assembly: Independence and never giving up

I am a Deputy Head Teacher and have been leading assemblies for 13 years. I use music, animations and discussions in my assemblies to enhance engagement. In each assembly, we have a different song playing for the children to walk in the hall to. The song at the beginning is always based on the theme of the asssembly. I give facts about the song and artist too, which provides links to our music curriculum. The song for this assembly is ‘Albatross’ by Fleetwood Mac. This cross curricular assembly is based on the beautiful animation called ‘Piper’. About a little bird who never gives up (link provided). It begins with facts about the common sand piper and then discusses the lessons that can be learnt, focussing on independance and never giving up. I have added lots of notes for each slide, giving ideas on how to differentiate between year groups, questions for discussion points and vocabulary to create wordbanks which can be used to compare feelings at different points in the story. I have used this as an observed assembly, but it can be easily adapted for class use too.
Littering assembly

Littering assembly

I have designed this for a whole school assembly about the effects of littering on our world. I have included a link to a beautiful video and music for the children to listen to and watch whilst entering the assembly. The Powerpoint contains facts and figures about the effects of littering and provides discussion points for what we can do to help. It does contain photos to show the effect of littering too. I have used this assembly numerous times and it always gets the message across.
The King's Coronation Assembly Pack

The King's Coronation Assembly Pack

3 Resources
3 Powerpoints that are related to the King’s Coronation. One talks about the history behind the Coronation and the planned events during the bank holiday weekend. One talks about our new King. Who he is and contains lots of facts about him, including his charity work and brief info about his life and interests. The other sets a Coronation Competition to design a cake. It also includes the history behind cake and past royal cakes etc. I have also included the template for the competition for the children to complete. All include ideas for music related to each assembly theme, to add extra excitement to each assembly and are editable to suit your needs. These can be used for whole school assemblies or for class sessions.
Who is our new King?: Coronation Assembly

Who is our new King?: Coronation Assembly

This Assembly contains interesting information about our new King. It begins and ends with his favourite songs that he shared on a hospital radio station. It contains facts about his life, family and charity work, as well as fun facts about our new King, such as he has a frog named after him and his car runs on English wine! It also contains information about our King’s many roles and responsibilities. This assembly went down a treat in my school and the children could relay lots of the information in the quiz at the end of it! Please see my bundle, which contains 2 other assemblies based on the Coronation.
The King's Coronation Assembly: What happened and why?

The King's Coronation Assembly: What happened and why?

I have designed and used this Powerpoint to deliver a whole school assembly about the King’s Coronation but it can be used as a class resource. It contains some history about Coronation traditions from the past and also contains information about how the Coronation was celebrated over the bank holiday weekend, including the procession, the Coronation Concert, the Coronation Big Lunch and The Big Help Out. The Powerpoint is full of uo to date photographs to aid engagement. The assembly ends with a quiz to see what key facts the children have retained. I have also included a youtube link for the children to walk into and out of assembly. It is Zadok the priest, which was played at the Queen’s Coronation in 1953 and Charles III Coronation. Please also see the Powerpoint I have made about our new King, which contains interesting facts about him as a person ( Including his car running on wine!) and his important role as King. Please see my bundle, which contains 2 other assemblies based on the Coronation.
New Year Assembly

New Year Assembly

This can be used as an assembly for Primary aged children. It celebrates weird and wonderful traditions around the world for seeing in the new year. It has a youtube link for the fireworks displays from around the world, that can be played when children are entering the assembly. It then discusses the fireworks display in London 2023 and some of its meaning. The Powerpoint has different discussion points and is very relevant and up to date. It then touches on the importance of the song, Auld Lang Syne, on New Year’s Eve and has a link to a beautiful version of the song for children to leave assembly to. This can be easily adapted for whole school or individual class lessons.
Book Quiz Assembly to promote reading

Book Quiz Assembly to promote reading

I have been an English lead for over 10 years now and I have designed and used this Powerpoint for a number of reasons. It has been used for my World Book Day assembly but it can be used just to promote reading in school and has also been used in class. It is a Children Vs Adults game ( could be pupils Vs staff, children Vs families) and it contains questions related to reading, books and stories. It begins with fascinating facts about reading then contains 4 entertaining rounds inlcuding one liners, questions and picture rounds. It also has a tie breaker and finishes with a wonderful poem about reading by Julia Donaldson. It is a very fun interactive lesson and has had much positive feedback. It is suitable for primary and KS3.
Guided Reading and Vocab Staff Training

Guided Reading and Vocab Staff Training

I made this powerpoint for a Staff Training session on the importance of teaching reading and challenging vocabulary. It contains evidence from research studies, ideas from the simple view of reading, activities for engaging reading sessions. assessment opportunities and ideas for teaching vocabulary.
Success in Failure Primary Assembly

Success in Failure Primary Assembly

I made this assembly to celebrate failure and explain how you succeed by never giving up. It provides the interesting and inspirational stories behind successful businesses and people who never gave up such as Colonel Sanders, JK Rowling, Honda and Lionel Messi. This can be used for any Key stage and really engages all pupils.